We’re here, working, and ready to help your community: MTCI COVID-19 Update
Updated June 23, 2020
Combating “Caution Fatigue”
Summer is here! While we’re all anxious to get outside and return to our old routines, COVID-19 continues to be prevalent. To that point, it’s important to avoid “caution fatigue,” meaning low motivation or energy to comply with safety guidelines caused by ongoing stress. Here are a few simple ways to combat caution fatigue in your communities:
· Revisit and ensure local policies are up to date with CDC recommendations
· Remind residents of the importance of these policies
· Offer opportunities for your community to engage safely
Remaining vigilant will help ensure we continue to flatten the curve. SAFEbuilt chooses to continue adhering to the strictest policies to limit risk for our employees and our communities. If you would like more information about the details of our Return & Recovery plan, contact your local team or Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated June 16, 2020
State of the Company
We continue to safely serve our clients, help our communities, and support contractors affected by building department closures. Through our full-service and supplemental building department, Private Provider, and other professional services, we emphasize helping communities thrive in all circumstances.
The safety of your employees, our employees, and our community members comes first and foremost. If you would like more information about the details of our Return & Recovery plan, contact your local team or Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated June 2, 2020
Expecting the Unexpected
While the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic continue to surface, it’s critical to take note of the potential needs your community might be expected to address now and in the future.
Will you continue to limit in-person inspections? Remote inspections are an easy solution for certain residential, commercial, and Private Provider inspection types.
What capabilities do you have to handle electronic plan review? If not, there are solutions.
Does your community have eviction moratoriums in place? As those expire, you may need more Code Enforcement/Compliance support.
These are just a few aspects to consider. There are many more that might impact your unique community based on local regulations. Our team can help you identify and address immediate and future needs. Contact your local team or Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated May 26, 2020
Returning to “Normal”
All of us have felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and often in very different ways. If you’re not sure where to begin in your recovery process, here are a few resources to help you find a new normal for your community:
- 4 Lessons COVID-19 Reminds us About Building Department Cost-Effectiveness
- Disaster Response Plans and Community Maintenance | What You Should Know
- 5 Tips for Serving Your Community Virtually
- Preparing for Extended Remote Work Protocols
- It’s Time to Review Your Building Department’s Plan Review Process
- Top 3 Ways Electronic Plan Review (EPR) Helps Your Community
- Keep Projects Moving Safely with Remote Inspections
- Are You Ready for Summer and a Post-COVID-19 Ramp Up?
More resources can be found on our Insights page. If you have questions or are looking for something specific to your unique needs, contact Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated May 19, 2020
We’re Here
While COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on all of our lives, businesses, and communities, we want to let you know that MTCI Private Provider is here for you through it all. WE’RE HERE to help you maintain day-to-day operations with as few disruptions as possible.
As this situation continues to evolve, we want to assure you that you can count on us. We’re ready to support you with a complete range of building and safety services for communities and contractors across the country.
Please visit our new resources page or reach out directly if you have any questions. We’re here and ready to support you in any way we can.
Updated May 12, 2020
State of the Company
We are seeing a full spectrum of recovery plans from our communities, while we continue to follow our own company-wide plan that addresses the safety of all employees regardless of location. Our COVID-19 Business Continuity of Operations (BCO) team has developed a comprehensive plan to address the specific nuances of COVID-19, both during the crisis as well as issuing return and recovery guidance. Our standards to ensure we safely serve our clients include:
- Continuing to follow our enhanced safety protocols
- Requiring employees to wear face coverings or masks in our offices and around customers
- Maintaining a supply of Personal Protective Equipment for employees company wide
- Using remote technologies to reduce backlogs, improve efficiency, and create safer environments for our employees and communities
- Following additional guidelines in our Return & Recovery plan
The safety of our employees and of the communities we serve remain our foremost priority. If you would like more information about the details of our Return & Recovery plan, contact your local team or Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated May 5, 2020
Did You Know?
Teams across the country are partnering with municipalities, contractors, architects, and residents to keep communities building. We are committed to helping all our clients thrive during this time of crisis and beyond.
- In Michigan, we partnered with the city to send a message to residents with the new permitting process
- In Florida, our planning department holds weekly, if not daily, check-in meetings with clients while working on code changes that had been on the backburner
MTCI Private Provider is committed to helping our clients find ways to keep moving forward and be poised for greater growth as things return to normal. For custom support for your community, contact Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated April 30, 2020
Are You Ready?
Across much of our country, we’re returning to warmer weather, which typically triggers the busy season for construction. While we’ve seen a few modifications to construction in some of our communities, we know many of you need to keep on schedule. Work with your local teams for a custom plan on how to keep your projects moving efficiently and prepare for remote workers returning to your offices. Consider steps like:
- Building a phased approach for returning to shared spaces by limiting the number of people at any given time and planning for employees to work onsite on alternating schedules
- Having a plan for what to do if anyone who returns to work tests positive for COVID-19
- Sterilizing the office and modifying or restarting a schedule with your office’s cleaning crew
- Identifying which online processes will continue, like electronic plan review or the use of community permitting software
- Reviewing the temporary policies put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic to plan how to transition back to standard policies or modify going forward
For custom support for your community, contact Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated April 21, 2020
Our Core Values at Work
At MTCI Private Providers, we believe in our five Core Values: Improvement, Integrity, Respect, Service, and Teamwork. Our Core Values help us find certainty in an uncertain time.
We have seen great ideas and innovations from across the company as we navigate the COIVD-19 crisis. Coworkers are reaching out to ensure colleagues have enough supplies. Employees are finding ways to safely give back to the places they live and work.
Our teams are discovering how to best support the needs of our communities while adhering to CDC guidelines and adapting to remote work. We are staying connected with our employees and clients through conference and video calls.
We recognize the commitment to Service demonstrated by those who are still actively completing inspections. To ensure adherence to ICC codes and local regulations, some inspections must be completed in person. In these cases, our inspectors have comprehensive safety protocol to follow and will reschedule inspections if they feel at risk. Every community has its own approach to handling Building Department Services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and our local teams are meeting those needs.
Improvement, Integrity, Respect, Service, and Teamwork are as strong now as ever at MTCI Private Providers. We are proud of our team for their continued dedication to these Core Values.
Updated April 16, 2020
State of the Company
Throughout this time of uncertainty, we have seen our MTCI Private Provider team come together to take care of each other and our clients.
We are proud of the work our Business Continuity of Operations Team has done in guiding our company through the COVID-19 pandemic. This team sends out frequent company messages, updates our app and website, and develops guidelines in partnership with our company’s functional leaders. For our clients, the team develops content like this post and provides our employees with helpful resources to communicate clearly with our clients.
Our Operations and Sales teams continue to work at full capacity except in very few places where the jurisdiction has closed all business including construction. In most cases, MTCI’s services are considered essential, meaning we can stay on the job – while safely following CDC guidelines – to help communities stay on track.
While we do have pockets more heavily impacted than others, we continue to monitor each of our clients’ operations on a daily basis. Our local managers are making decisions with the greatest of care for the needs of employees and clients, with support from MTCI leadership and our Business Continuity of Operations Team.
We are committed to providing our employees and clients with the most up-to-date information as this COVID-19 crisis continues. Please share your questions with Help@MTCIPrivateProvider.com.
Updated April 14, 2020
COVID-19 Resources for Code Professionals in Your Community
Building safety and code professionals know they can rely on the International Code Council (ICC) for industry-related news and training, but do you know about the ICC’s Coronavirus Response Center? This website compiles aggregated information from the Code Council, governments, and building and fire prevention departments around the world.
Also, the International Code Council surveyed building and fire departments to learn how code officials are coping with the professional challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Review their findings in the article from earlier this month.
We encourage you to continue working with your local team or contact us through the Help@mtciprivateprovider.com mailbox.
Updated April 9, 2020
A Message from SAFEbuilt’s CEO
Recently our CEO Tom Brackett said in a video address to all of our employees, “We must deal with today’s considerable challenges while we also keep an eye to the future.” SAFEbuilt companies are here to help our employees and our clients through short-term uncertainty while looking forward to a long-term recovery. We continue learning together as this pandemic evolves. Our Operations teams are focused on meeting the immediate needs of our communities while our Account Managers look to what your community might need as the crisis recedes.
We encourage you to continue working with your local team or contact us through the Help@mtciprivateproviders.com mailbox.
Updated April 7, 2020
Ideas for Protecting Your Inspectors
MTCI is proud to have hundreds of inspectors working for our teams across the country. To help protect them, we issued Enhanced Safety Protocols to help reduce their COVID-19 risk. Here are a few ideas to implement in your own communities:
- It all starts with scheduling – ensure your staff is asking the right questions over the phone before scheduling an inspection, like:
- Have you or anyone else scheduled to be at the property traveled or been in contact with anyone else who has traveled outside the U.S. within the past 14 days?
- Have you or anyone else scheduled to be at the property had fever, sore throat, nausea, or cold & flu symptoms within the past 7 days?
- Limit the number of people on-site during an inspection
- Maintain the appropriate social distance according to CDC recommendation and avoid handshakes
- Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily as recommended by the CDC, including vehicles
- Provide ways to get necessary supplies that help in following the CDC guidelines, including disinfecting sprays or wipes and hand sanitizer
- Encourage the use of video calls or photos for certain types of inspections, if possible
Updated April 2, 2020
Staying Safe – Be alert online
MTCI is known for our commitment to safety in all aspects – from ensuring structures follow codes and regulations to preparing and responding to natural disasters. While we can help keep your community safe, one area that might go overlooked is your cybersecurity.
The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a report about the sharp increase in cyber-security threats following the increase in fear and uncertainty around the COVID-19 outbreak.
Be alert! Keep these always-useful tips in mind:
- Use trusted sources of information. Avoid “get your money here” emails promising links to government/corporate benefits.
- Do not open attachments from sources you don’t know! Inspect the email closely for misspellings, strange spacing, or email/names that are slightly incorrect.
- Do not provide any site your personal information, company or employee
Updated March 31, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check the status of my inspection, permit, plan review, or project?
Contact your local team for an update. Many of our teams are operating at usual service line agreements and will respond to you within the typical timeframe.
Why do you ask specific questions about health when scheduling an inspection?
To better protect our inspectors, we want to be sure they have the lowest possible risk of COVID-19 exposure. When scheduling an inspection, someone from our team will ask:
- Have you or anyone else scheduled to be at the property traveled or been in contact with anyone else who has traveled outside the U.S. within the past 14 days?
- Have you or anyone else scheduled to be at the property had fever, sore throat, nausea, or cold & flu symptoms within the past 7 days?
Who can I talk to about additional services to help with growing backlogs and other ways to keep community development moving efficiently?
If you are already a client, work with your local team to review the services you have and what you need. If you are new to working with MTCI, contact us through this website. One of our team members will reach out to you.
Updated March 25, 2020
MTCI has built its reputation and growth on its commitment to supporting you, our clients, our communities and our employees. During this time of crisis, this commitment remains our #1 priority, as we continue to work closely with you in order to help protect the health and safety of our communities. Said simply, we are here for you and ready to serve.
Our first priority is the health of our teammates and the members of our community. To do our part in “the 15 days to slow the spread,” MTCI is encouraging its staff to work from home where they can do so and still support you. Should you make the difficult decision to close or partially close your office to the public, we will be by your side, helping to develop and implement processes that will protect the community and still deliver services. As a service provider, we have a wealth of resources that we can deploy to help us to continue to support you, your mission and your public. Your local MTCI contacts can help provide updates and directions on how to engage with us during this time. Our employees have always had access to the latest technology and communication devices to ensure we stay connected and we stand ready to work with your business technology teams to enable solutions that will allow you and us to continue to support your communities.
Should you have any questions, contact your primary MTCI contact, or email us at help@mtciprivateprovider.com. Thank you for your business and patience during this time. We look forward to continuing to serve your needs.
Updated March 20, 2020
At MTCI Private Provider Service, safety and well-being are our top priority. Every day, we work to ensure that our customers have the best infrastructure possible, providing plan review, inspection and permitting services with the goal of helping our customers build better, safer projects, faster.
Moving forward
One of MTCI’s core values is providing unequaled service levels to our customers, communities, and staff. Which is why we’re committed to remaining fully operational and available to support our customers and communities as their needs evolve throughout this challenging time.
Staying safe on the frontlines
Our leadership team is closely monitoring the evolving events surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19). We wanted to take a moment and provide you with some specific details on exactly what we are doing to help our customers and our communities get through this, safely:
- We have a designated response team that is monitoring the developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in real time. Government and health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO), are publishing regular updates to this pandemic. We also are monitoring the local health departments for ongoing updates.
- Our entire organization is receiving ongoing briefings and enhanced operating protocols.
- All of our employees are trained on the latest hygiene and social distancing recommendations.
- All team members have been briefed on the use of antibacterial hand sanitizer, cleaning and disinfectant wipes, and tissues in accordance with CDC recommendations
- Our vehicle fleet is operating under enhanced cleaning and sanitizing protocols.
- All public facing positions have been provided with the necessary tools and communications devices to minimize service interruptions to our customers.
- For any of our service lines where work can be performed remotely, your operations contact will be working with you to provide the resources necessary to continue working.
- Finally, we continue to work closely with all our clients to follow all evolving local and state directions.
Looking ahead
We will continue to keep you apprised of status and activities relating to COVID-19, and are committed to providing the best level of service, regardless of circumstance, to all our customers and communities. While we do not anticipate any changes in your primary contact at MTCI, we recognize that our team is also susceptible to this virus. Should this affect your primary contact, we will provide you with an alternate contact as soon as we become aware of the need.
We have also created a special mailbox, help@mtciprivateprovider.com, for you to send any questions or concerns you may have regarding the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19). Our team will respond to all incoming emails within 24 hours. Additionally, the toll-free number to our corporate headquarters in Miami-Dade, FL, is 305.246.0696.
Today, and always, MTCI remains committed to you, our customers. Our hearts go out to any families and communities affected by this virus. We thank you for being a valued customer, and we look forward to continuing to serve you and your communities.
The MTCI Team